Membership - Anniston Alabama Ham Radio Club


Join the members of the CCARA, Calhoun County Area Radio Association, and be a part of the Anniston / Oxford area ham radio club (Call sign WB4GNA). A great group of amateur radio operators that get together to share a hobby, socialize, and learn about the local nets that includes emergency preparedness and help the community, and many other reasons to join. Membership fee is only $20 a year.

The club has over 40 members with varied backgrounds and interest in the different facets of the hobby. Non hams and ham spouses with an interest are encouraged to join in the fun and fellowship. The club participates in both winter and summer field day events. We are also strengthening our efforts in our current ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) team.

Join us at our next meeting to learn more or if your a licensed ham operator talk on repeater 147.09 (+.06 PL 131.8).